Should I recover my old lounge suite?
To recover or not to recover, this is the age old question !
Recover your for the sum existing lounge or buying a brand new one, it goes through every body’s mind at some stage. Then we inevitably put it off for some time, cause hey, who likes jumping in the car and looking for a new lounge suite. I hope I maybe able to assist you… Education 101 This is the most common question/predicament we find most our customers in. You either have the most beautiful lounge piece or the most comfortable and it’s served you and your family well over the past decade or so. Now, the time has come to update, refurbish, restore or just chuck it and start again. What do you do??.
You’ve looked for the sum around and not seen anything you either like, will fit your room, fabric choice is limited or the quality of lounges on the market in your price range is not up to your liking. You may even believe that buying all things imported from other countries is not Australian and or going to be of a lower standard… Well after many years in the business, I have come to the belief that if you love the comfort of your existing suite and it fits perfectly into your current environment, the design suits your décor, the size and combination is suited to your home and the quality of the suite has endured the wear and tear of family this far etc. Well… spend the money and give it a new lease of life, get it #Reupholstered, in a fresh new fabric that will revitalise its look and live for another life time of memories. It may even have sentimental value as its possibly been handed down to you and your family as an heirloom. A new suite sure is exciting, granted, like anything brand new I guess, maybe something to brag about to your friends and family. But if you love what you’ve already got and considered all the above scenarios. Get is reupholstered. Do you throw out your parents when their getting a little aged, no!...you still love them undoubtedly, you do what you can to give them the best life possible into their all-important tender years. TLC!!! Food for thought?
Now look at the old three seater club lounge above, and with a full restoration, we see below the result of some of that TLC!
Needless to say, the customer was ecstatic. Would you have expected that to turn into this?